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Monday, February 8, 2010                                                                                                          7:30 p.m.                   




            7:15 pm – Personnel Committee:  Smith, Graf, Mohan  




1.  Call to order by President.                     Time:  ___________


The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on

April 30, 2009 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


2.  Roll Call:                               Karen Graf, President                Roger Jinks, Superintendent

                                                Anita Smith, Vice President        Jean Flynn, Secretary

                                                Sally Christine                           Kelly Mason, Principal 

                                                Sheila Dempski                         Valerie Mattes, Principal

                                                Jason Ford

                                                Jayne Howard                           

                                                Jude Mohan


3.  Flag Salute


4.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes of January 11, 2010, as presented.  MV:   


5.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the executive session minutes of January 11, 2010, as presented.  MV:



(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)





6. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account Reports for the month ending January 31, 2010, as presented.  MV: 


7. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Secretary’s Report for January 31, 2010 showing a cash balance of $518,393.61.   MV:


8. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 31, 2010, showing a cash balance of $518,393.61, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for January 31, 2010.  MV:


9. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV:




FYI – See attached timeline for budget development


Agenda                                                            2/8/10                                                   Page 2


10. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to draw names for ballot positions at 12:00 Noon, on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.  MV:


11. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to schedule the Public Hearing for the proposed 2009-2010 Budget for Monday, March 29, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. in Brass Castle School library, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


12. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ that the polls for the School Election to be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, shall be open from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.  MV:




13. Motion by ______, seconded by ______to approve the following substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


            Teacher:  Christopher Caruso, Robert Mandel, Erica Schroeder


            Paraprofessional:  Christopher Caruso


14. Motion by _____, seconded by _____, to approve the out-of-district In-Service Experiences, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


15. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve $10,721 of Mischa Kirsch’s salary to be funded by the 2009-10 NCLB Federal Grant, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


16. Motion by _____, seconded by _____, to accept, with regret, the resignation for retirement of Pamela Young, effective June 30, 2010; as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


17. Motion by _____, seconded by _____, to accept, with regret, the resignation of Marianne Bayne effective February 1, 2010, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


18. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following field trip for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


  1. Sixth Grade All Star Band     Warren Hills Regional High School, Washington, NJ


19. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve Samantha Piyols, a student from Warren County Community College, to complete required classroom observation for 10 hours during the week of March 15th, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:








  1. District Newsletter – Volume 2, Issue 6
  2. Colden Castle News – January 2010
  3. Web-Based Accountability Act Mandated Training; and
  4. 9th Annual Celebration of Diversity In Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..






Agenda                                                            2/8/10                                                   Page 3




Finance & Policy Committee:


20. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the attached transfers within the 2009-2010 budget, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


21. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Bills List for February, 2010.  MV: 

22. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to rescind the SAIF (School Alliance Insurance Fund) HIF (Health Insurance Fund) resolution motion that was approved at the January 11, 2010 meeting, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


23. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following SAIF (School Alliance Insurance Fund) HIF (Health Insurance Fund) resolution:  RCV:



                THIS AGREEMENT, made this 8th day of February, 2010, in the County of Warren, State of New Jersey, by and between the SAIF Health Insurance Fund, hereinafter referred to as “Fund”, and the Washington Township Board of Education hereinafter referred to as “Board” or “Member”; and


            WHEREAS, the Fund seeks to provide its members with health, dental, vision, and prescription insurance coverage; and


            WHEREAS, two or more Boards of Education have collectively formed a joint insurance fund as is authorized and described in N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-1 and the administrative regulations promulgated pursuant thereto; and


            WHEREAS, the Board has agreed to become a member of the Fund in accordance with and to the extent provided for in the Bylaws of the Fund and in consideration of such obligations and benefits to be shared by the membership of the Fund.


            NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

            1.         The Board, upon entering the Fund accepts and agrees to be bound by and to comply with each and every provision of the Fund’s Bylaws and pertinent statutes and administrative regulations pertaining to same.

            2.         The Board agrees to participate in the Fund with respect to the types of insurance listed in the Board’s “Resolution to Join”.

            3.         The Board agrees to become a member of the Fund for an initial period of three (3) years, the commencement of which shall coincide with the effective date of the Board’s membership in the Fund.

            4.         The Board certifies that it has never defaulted on any claims if self-insured and has not been canceled for non-payment of insurance premiums for a period of at least two (2) years prior to the date hereof.

            5.         In consideration of membership in the Fund, the Board agrees that it shall jointly and severally assume and discharge the liability of each and every member of the Fund, for the periods during which the member is receiving coverage, all of whom, as a condition of membership in the Fund, shall execute a verbatim counterpart to this Agreement.  By execution hereof the full faith and credit of the Board is pledged to the punctual payments of any sums which shall become due to the Fund in accordance with the Bylaws thereof, this Agreement or any applicable statute or regulation. However, nothing herein shall be construed as an obligation of the Board for claims and expenses that are not covered by the Fund, or for that portion of any claim or liability within a member’s retained limit or in an amount which exceeds the Fund’s limit of coverage.


Agenda                                                            2/8/10                                                   Page 4


            6.         If the Fund, in the enforcement of any part of this Agreement, shall incur necessary expense or become obligated to pay attorney’s fees and/or court costs, the Board agrees to reimburse the Fund for all such reasonable expenses, fees and costs on demand.

            7.         The Board and the Fund agree that the Fund shall hold all monies paid by the Board to the Fund as fiduciaries for the benefit of Fund claimants all in accordance with applicable State law and/or regulation.

            8.         If required by the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance or applicable statutes and regulations, the Fund shall establish and maintain separate Trust Accounts in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18B-1 et. seq. and such other statutes and/or regulations as may be applicable.  If such Trust Accounts are established, they shall be utilized solely for the payment of claims, allocated claim expense and excess insurance or reinsurance premiums for each such risk or liability or as “surplus” as such term is defined by applicable State statute or Administrative Code(s).

9.         Each Board who shall become a member of the Fund shall be obligated to execute this Agreement.


Facilities & Transportation Committee:


24. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the quotes for the following class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


5/14/10 – Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA

TransBridge Lines (56 passenger)                        $   955 per bus x 2 buses           Total     $1,910

Easton Coach (57 passenger)                             $1,155 per bus x 2 buses           Total     $2,310

Starr Tours (56 passenger)                                  No quote  

Long Valley Coach Lines                                    No quote


25. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to award the contract for the Franklin Institute class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


TransBridge Lines (56 passenger)                        $   955 per bus x 2 buses           Total     $1,910


26. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the quotes for the following class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


5/26/10 – Minskoff Theatre, New York, NY

Easton Coach Company (56/57 passenger)          $1,128 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,384

Starr Tours (56 passenger)                                  $1,180 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,540

TransBridge Lines (55 passenger)                        $1,061 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,183


27. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to award the contract for the Minskoff Theatre  class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


TransBridge Lines (55 passenger)                        $1,061 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,183


28. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the quotes for the following class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


6/9/10 – Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ

Easton Coach Company (55 passenger)              $1,045 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,135

Starr Tours (49 passenger)                                  $1,074 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $3,222

TransBridge Lines (55 passenger)                        $   860 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $2,580

Easton Coach (47 passenger)                             $   980 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $2,940

TransBridge Lines (47 passenger)                        $   782 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $2,346



Agenda                                                            2/8/10                                                   Page 5


29. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to award the contract for the Liberty Science Center class trip, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


TransBridge Lines (47 passenger)                        $   782 per bus x 3 buses           Total     $2,346


30. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the second reading and adoption of Policy Alert 187.  RCV:


            Policy Alert 187


  1. Policy 2415.03 – Highly Qualified Teachers (Revised)

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 required all teachers to be highly qualified.


  1. Policy 2423 – Bilingual and ESL Education (Revised)

Policy and Regulation Guides 2423 have been updated and revised to be consistent with the updated Administrative Code. These minor revisions include updated terminology and several new standards and practices.


  1. Policy 3281/4281 – Inappropriate Staff Conduct (Revised)

Policy Guides 3281 and 4281 have been revised to provide notice to staff members regarding their communications and/or publications using e-mails, text-messaging, social networking sites, or any other medium that is directed and/or available to pupils or for public display. Staff members are advised inappropriate communications and/or publications outside a staff member’s professional responsibilities may be determined to be conduct unbecoming a school staff member.


  1. Policy 3431.3/4431.3 – New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance Program (New)

New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance program is a new State program where employees on an approved New Jersey Family Leave may be eligible for up to six weeks of family leave paid insurance benefits from the State of New Jersey. School districts’ obligations under this program are limited to notifying employees of the program, posting notice of the program, and complying with the State’s requirement for information upon an employee’s application for benefits.


  1. Policy 2560 – Live Animals In Schools (Revised)

Regarding refusal to participate in certain activities related to animals dissection. A pupil may refuse to participate in certain instructional activities as defined in the updated Guides and the district is required to offer an alternative educational project.


  1. Policy 3126 – Induction Program for Provisional Teachers (Revised)

Requirements for Instructional Certificates, and specifically the requirements for the provisional certificate, the State-approved district training program, and the local mentor plan have been revised.


  1. Policy 3240 – Professional Development (Revised)

Policy and Regulation Guides 3240 have been revised to incorporate the professional development requirements. Guides were revised to include the approval and reporting requirements of the new travel regulations.


I.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)








Agenda                                                            2/8/10                                                   Page 6


J.  EXECUTIVE SESSION                                             


31. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving negotiations, the deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others.  If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.


            MV:                        Time:  ______________


Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to return to open session.


            MV:                         Time:  ______________




32. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjourn.


            MV:                         Time:  _______________
