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Monday, August  24, 2009                                                                                                           7:30 p.m.                  




            7:15 p.m. – Personnel Committee – Smith, Graf, Mohan





1.  Call to order by President.                     Time:  ___________


The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on

April 30, 2009 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


2.  Roll Call:                               Karen Graf, President                Roger Jinks, Superintendent

                                                Anita Smith, Vice President        Jean Flynn, Secretary

                                                Sally Christine                           Kelly Mason, Principal 

                                                Sheila Dempski                         Valerie Mattes, Principal

                                                Jason Ford

                                                Jayne Howard                           

                                                Jude Mohan      


3.  Flag Salute



            a. As per Public Law 6A:16-5.3 each school district shall report incidents of violence, vandalism and substance abuse for the previous school year. Those incidents shall also be reported to the NJ Department of Education via the department’s Electronic Violence and Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS).


As reported to the Department of Education on July 14, 2009 – there were no incidents of violence or vandalism during the 2008/2009 school year which rose to the standards established by the Department of Education.


4. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the Annual Report of Violence and Vandalism dated

July 14, 2009, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


5.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes of July 20, 2009, as presented.  MV:



(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)






6. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account Reports for the month ending July 31, 2009, as presented.  MV: 

7.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Secretary’s Report for July 31, 2009 showing a cash balance of $1,643,306.55. MV:


Agenda                                                            8/24/09                                                 Page 2


8.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Treasurer’s Report for July 31, 2009, showing a cash balance of $1,643,306.55, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for June 30, 2009.  MV:


9.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV:


10.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Bills List for August, 2009.  MV: 



11. Motion by ______, seconded by ______to approve the following substitutes for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


Teacher:  Andrew Lawrence (pending fingerprints and certificate); Cynthia Lunden

  (pending fingerprints and certificate); Jennifer Peters; Jennifer Asman (pending

  certificate); Jacqueline Smith; and Mia Pak.


                        Teacher Aide:  Cynthia Lunden; and Jennifer Peters.


12. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the out-of-district Staff Development Workshops, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


13. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept, with regret, the resignation of Alicia Strzelec, Instrumental Music Teacher, effective July 20, 2009, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


14. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept, with regret, the resignation of Judy Risoli, Child Care Director, effective August 20, 2009, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


15. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to employ Suzanne Brands as a paraprofessional, Step 1, salary to be $12.31, hours not to exceed 30 hours per week, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


16. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjust Theresa Nanius at Aide Salary Guide, Year #7 (contractual), as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


17. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjust salary and step for Patricia Bell from Step 15BA + 15 years longevity – $70,855 to Step15BA+15L15 years longevity – $72,155, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


18. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to employ Andrew Lawrence as an Instrumental Music Teacher (pending certification), Step 1BA, salary to be $44,225, effective September 1, 2009, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


19. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to employ Mary Argus as a Child Care Aide at a salary of $12.31 per hour, hours not to exceed 30 hours per week, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


20. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to apply to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools to approve the following for emergent hiring for a period not to exceed three months, pending completion of a Criminal History Records check as per N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:

            Andrew Lawrence and Mary Argus



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21. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following tuition rates for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Gr. Pre-K                      $  9,325                        Gr. 6                             $10,146

            Gr. Kgn.                        $  9,325                        Program            MD       $37,747

            Grs. 1-5                        $11,579            


22. Motion by_____, seconded by_____ authorizing the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to solicit bids for the Preventative Maintenance Agreement for Electronic and Pneumatic Controls for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


23. Motion by_____, seconded by_____ authorizing the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to solicit bids for the Office Equipment Maintenance Service Agreement for copiers and duplicators for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


24. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the following quotes for Preventative Maintenance Agreement for Electronic and Pneumatic Controls for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


Johnson Controls, Inc.                $14,855

H.T. Lyons, Inc.                         $  9,488


25. Motion by _____, second by _____ to award the contract for Preventative Maintenance Agreement for Electronic and Pneumatic Controls for the 2009-2010 school year to H.T. Lyons, Inc. as per quote in the amount of $9,488, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


26. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the following Paving Bids for the Old School House, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            J Pips:              $6,500 (Estimate includes 2 applications with compression and striping.)


Hicks Paving:    $11,000


C&H Paving:      $  6,000


Petty Paving:     $11,000


27. Motion by _____, second by _____ to award the contract for paving to J Pips at the amount of $6,500, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


28. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the following bids for Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk/Top Soil, seed and hay/Retaining wall and Fence for the Old School House, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Fratesi              Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk:         $7,700

                                    Top Soil:                                   $3,500

                                    Retaining Wall:                          $5.500          

                                    Fence:                                      $4,300 (PVC picket) $4,500 (PVC cross)


            Balaney            Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk:         $4,700

                                    Top Soil:                                   $1,350

                                    Retaining Wall:                          $3,100

                                    Fence:                                      $4,360 (PVC Cross)

                                                                                    ($2,600 Labor/$1,760 Materials)


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            Minors:             Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk:         $5,700

                                    Top Soil:                                   No Bid

                                    Retaining Wall:                          No Bid          

                                    Fence:                                      No Bid


29. Motion by _____, second by _____ to award the contract for Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk/Top Soil, seed and hay/Retaining wall and Fence for the Old School House to Balaney with the follow bid, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Balaney            Pavers/Concrete Sidewalk:         $4,700

                                    Top Soil:                                   $1,350

                                    Retaining Wall:                          $3,100          

30. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the following Paving Material Bids for the Old School House, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Warren Materials:          1-2 Base:          $44.00 per ton

                                                1-5 Topping:      $48.50 per ton

                                                Stone:               $12.00 per ton

            Tilcon:                           1-2 Base:          $58.00 per ton

                                                1-5 Topping:      $59.00 per ton

                                                Stone:               $17.00 per ton


            Flemington:                   1-2 Base:          $45.90 per ton

                                                1-5 Topping:      $47.90 per ton

                                                Stone:               No Bid


31. Motion by _____, second by _____ to award the contract for Paving Materials to Warren Paving with the follow bid, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Warren Materials:          1-2 Base:          $44.00 per ton

                                                1-5 Topping:      $48.50 per ton

                                                Stone:               $12.00 per ton








  1. Letter to Mrs. Dale Smallwood;
  2. Letter to Mayor Sam Elbassiouny; and
  3. Copy of Ordinance No. 2009-18 – Section 117-6 Entitled “No Parking”.




Finance Committee


32. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the line item transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: 




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33. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to enter into a contract with Sussex County Educational Services Commission to provide Chapter 192/193 Services to non-public school students for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


34. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to enter into a contract with Sussex County Educational Services Commission to provide Chapter 193 Examination and Classification Services for non-public school students for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


Policy Committee:


35. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the first reading of Policy #5516 – Remotely Activating Communication Devices; Cellular Telephones/Pagers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


Education Committee:


36. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the first reading of Health and Physical Education Curriculum, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


Transportation Committee:


37. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the attached bus routes for the 2009-2010 school year.  RCV:


38. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the Warren Hills Regional Board of Education for the 2009-2010 school year as listed, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


               Route                            Cost                         Route                             Cost

            23/KDG 1                      $12,128.70                    14AB/IM                        $19,350.56

            01/F                              $16,901.46                    15AB/G                         $13,912.83

            02/KL                            $14,466.64                    16AB/E                         $21,376.13

            03/A                             $15,093.19                    21/H                             $19,567.88

            04/C                             $19,695.80                    22/VAN 1                      $16,054.42

            10/J                              $15,691.82                    VAN 2/KDG                   $36,274.36

            12/D                             $17,662.75                    Total                            $238,176.54


39. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to renew the following Special Ed transportation contracts for the 2009-2010 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Snyder Bus                   Rt. PS-PM-02                $28,028.00

            First Student                 Rt. PS-AM-01                $32,729.06


Personnel Committee:



J.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)








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K.  EXECUTIVE SESSION  –  if required

40. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving ________________________________, the deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others.  If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.


            MV:                        Time:  ______________


Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to return to open session.


            MV:                         Time:  ______________




41. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjourn.


            MV:                         Time:  _______________

