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(Final Board agenda will be at your seat Monday evening.)




Monday, May 10, 2010                                                                                                           7:30 p.m.          




7:00 pm – Finance Committee: Dempski, Howard, Mohan

            7:15 pm – Personnel Committee:  Graf, Dempski, Smith




1.  Call to order by President.                     Time:  ___________


The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on

April 30, 2010 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


2.  Flag Salute


3.  Roll Call:                               Karen Graf, President              

                                                Sally Christine, Vice President   

                                                Sheila Dempski                          

                                                Jason Ford                              

                                                Jayne Howard

                                                Jude Mohan

Anita Smith

4.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes of April 26, 2010, as presented.  MV:


5.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the executive session minutes of April 26, 2010, as presented. MV:



(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)






6.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account Reports for the month ending April 30, 2010, as presented.  MV:

7.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Secretary’s Report for April 30, 2010 showing a cash balance of $1,612,361.85. MV:


8.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Treasurer’s Report for April 30, 2010, showing a cash balance of $1,612,361.85, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for April 30, 2109.  MV:


9.    Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV:


Agenda for May 10, 2010




10. Motion by _____, seconded by _____, to approve the out-of-district In-Service Experiences, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


11. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve $6,904 of Kay Tillson’s salary to be funded by the 2009-10 Chapter 193 Non-Public Corrective Speech Program, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


12. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the operation of Summer School to be housed at Brass Castle School held July 12 to July 30, 2010, 9:00 am – 12 noon, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


13. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following personnel for the Summer Program and Summer Enrichment Program – July 12 -July 30, 2010, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:


Teachers:  Corinne Gigantino, Sue Graham, Michele Mahon, Ruth O’Cone, Beth Pomeroy, Linda Watters – 3 weeks, 3 hours per day, $38.13 per hour.

            Paraprofessional:  TBD – 3 weeks, 3 hours per day, $ per hour

    Cathy Wyglendowski – 3 weeks, 3 hours per day, $14.10 per hour


14. Motion by_____, seconded by _____to approve the following personnel for the 2009-10 Extended Year Summer Program –   June 28 – August 6, 2010, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


Staff Member               Position                                    Stipend

Joan Pare                     Teacher                           $38.13 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

                                                                        (June 28 – August 6)

Debbie Polhemus          Teacher                        $38.13 per hour, 4 hours per day, 4 weeks

                                                                        (June 28 – July 23)

Lisa Marinelli                 Teacher             $38.13 per hour, 4 hours per day. 4 weeks

                                                                        (June 28 – July 23)

Kara Lisk                       Teacher             $38.13 per hour, 4 hours per day. 4 weeks

                                                                        (June 28 – July 23)


Janine Barzdines           Nurse                            $38.13 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks 

Jackie Dugan                Nurse                            (June 28 – August 6 – Extended School Year,

Kathy Fiore                   Nurse                            Basic Skills Instruction and Enrichment –                                                                                     Shared position 

            Jennifer Michels             Aide                                $14.10 per hour, 4 hours per day, 4 weeks

            Jane Hruza                     Aide                                  $13.05, 4 hours per day, 4 weeks

Kerry Smith                   Aide                             $14.10 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

Christine Thompson        Aide                              $12.31, 4 hours per day, 4 weeks

            Colleen Morea                Aide (Diag-ABA)           $18.10 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

            Patty Freeman               Aide (ABA trained)          $15.05 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

            Debbie Corrado             Aide (ABA trained)         $16.10 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

            Sharon App                  Aide                             $15.55 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks

            Kim Baker                     Aide (ABA trained)          $16.10 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks


           Erika Hill                                                 Behavior Interventionist    $32.54 per hour, 4 hours per day, 6 weeks           

           TBD                               Speech Services               $38.13 per hour, Hours per week TBD

           Katherine Ferrara            Occupational Therapist     $73.00 per hour – Hours per week TBD

           Children’s Therapy Serv.  Physical Therapy              $97.37 per hour – Hours per week TBD


15. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the submission of the Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Grant, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:

Agenda for May 10, 2010








  1. Committee listing
  2. Board Members and Addresses;
  3. Roster of Officials;
  4. PTA schedule of events for “Staff Appreciation Week”;
  5. NJSBA – Mandated Training info;
  6. BOE Welcome to Meeting brochure; and
  7. District Newsletter – Volume 2, Issue 8.




Finance & Policy Committee:


16. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the attached line item transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


17. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Bills List for May 2010, MV:


18. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept and adopt the following resolution as approved by the Washington Township Committee:


WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Washington Township School District presented to the voters, at the annual School Election held on April 20, 2010, a question concerning the tax levy requirements for the said Board of Education for current expenses and capital outlay, designated as the General Fund, in the amount of $5,223,441; and


WHEREAS, the voters of Washington Township rejected the current expense and capital outlay budget designated as the General Fund, by a vote of 352Yes votes and 599 No votes; and


WHEREAS, the same Washington Township School Board of Education transmitted an official copy of the rejected current expense and capital outlay budget designated as the General Fund and documentation to the Township Committee of the Township by April 22, 2010; and


WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Washington have reviewed information on the current expense and capital outlay budget, designated as the General Fund as submitted by the said Board of Education; and


WHEREAS, careful consideration has been given to the information received from the Board of Education, with a view toward providing a thorough and efficient system of education in the school system of the Washington Township School District.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Committee of the Township of Washington in the County of Warren, State of New Jersey as follows:


1.         The tax levy amount of $5,223,441 on the ballot was rejected by the voters for the General Fund (base budget);


            The Mayor and Township Committee has determined that the rejected General Fund is above the maximum T & E budget and that a reduction of  $25,000 will not adversely affect the Board of Education’s ability to meet the thoroughness and efficiency standard as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6:19-5.5(a)(3).  Therefore, the Mayor and Township Committee hereby reduce the General Fund tax levy by $25,000.  It is recommended that such reductions come from the following line-item accounts:

Agenda for May 10, 2010

Account No.                              Account                                                Reduction

            11-000-217-106              Other salaries for instruction                              $10,000   

11-120-100-101              Salaries for teachers                                          $15,000


            In consideration of these reductions, the tax levy will be adjusted as follows:


                        $5,223,441                    Presented to the voters

                        $     25,000                    Above reductions

                        $5,198,441                    Certified tax levy amount


2.         The Mayor and Township Committee hereby certifies that the amount of the tax levy herein above certified by this Municipal Government for the General fund (base budget) is sufficient to provide a thorough and efficient system of education for the Washington Township School District.


3.         The aforementioned tax levy herein certified by the Township of Washington for the base budget exceeds the local share required by the Comprehensive Educational Improvement and Financing Act of 1996.


4.         The Township Clerk of the Township of Washington is directed to certify no later than Wednesday, May 19, 2010, to the Warren County Board of Taxation, the Warren County Superintendent of Schools, the Washington Township School District Board of Education, the Washington Township Tax Assessor, the Division of Local Finance of the Department of the Treasury of the State of New Jersey, and to any other parties required by law to receive such certification, that the amount of $5,198,441 is necessary to be raised by taxation for General Fund revenues (District tax levy); a proportionate amount of which shall be included in the taxes to be raised, levied and collected in this Township for current expense and capital outlay, designated as General Fund set forth herein, for the Washington Township School District; and copies of this Resolution, to be executed by the Mayor and Township Clerk, shall be forwarded by the Township Clerk of the persons and/or departments named herein, for certification purposes. 



19. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adopt the budget of the Washington Township Board of Education to support the 2010-2011 school year as follows: RCV:


                        General Fund                                        $ 7,916,056.00

                        Special Revenue Fund                                 250,500.00                               

                                    Total Base Budget                     $ 8,166,556.00


20. Motion by_____, seconded by _____to requisition the 2010-2011 Tax Levy according to the following schedule:  RCV:


2010-2011 Tax Levy         General Fund               


July 1, 2010                  $1,299,610.25                          

October 1, 2010                           1,299,610.25                

January 1, 2011                1,299,610.25                

March 1, 2011                  1,299,610.25,            


Totals                           $ 5,198,441.00              


21. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to empower the Superintendent and Board Secretary to implement the budget pursuant to policies and regulations of the State Board and Washington Township Board of Education.  RCV:




Agenda for May 10, 2010


22. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following tuition rates for the 2010-2011 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


            Pre-School/Kgn.                        $  9,265           

            Grades 1-5                                $10,506

            Grade 6                                    $10,313

            MD                                           $32,760


23. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the second reading and adoption of Policy Alert 188.  RCV:


            Policy Alert 188


1. Policy 0142.1 – Nepotism: Was revised to clarify the issue permitting a relative of a Board Member or Superintendent to continue to be employed or “to be promoted” in the district if the relative was employed by the district on the effective date of the Policy or the date the relative becomes a Board member or Superintendent.

2. Policy 0174 – Legal Services: Policy was revised with several significant revisions regarding legal services. Districts with legal costs that exceed 130% of the Statewide average per pupil amount should establish the cost saving procedures.

3. Policy 0177 – Professional Services: Policy was revised that clarifies the use of RFP’s in issuing contracts for legal services is applicable to all professional service contracts and also required a revision in Policy Guide 0177 Professional Services.

4. Policy 1570 – Internal Controls: Has been revised deferring the implementation date for a school district to establish and maintain a position control roster.

5. Policy1620 – Administrative Employment Contracts:  Was revised to correct an incorrect legal citation in the previous administrative code section from N.J.S.A. 18A:17-51 to N.J.S.A. 18A:17-15.1.

6. Policy 5338 – Diabetes Management: Requires school districts to take specific actions to ensure pupils with diabetes are able to manage their disease and balance food, medications, and physical activity while at school or at school-related functions.

7. Policy 5512.01 – Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying: Several minor revisions to their Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Policy.

8. Policy 5533 – Pupil Smoking:  Has been revised to reflect the “New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act.” The revised Policy Guide includes several new options regarding the filing of a complaint and the option of requiring educational programs for pupils who violate the Policy or law.

9. Policy 6111 – Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Program: The first revision makes the requirements for a district to obtain a waiver of the code requirement by increasing the number of projected SEMI eligible pupils in the district from thirty to forty. The second revision expands the documentation requirements for a speech therapist to be considered a qualified related service provider and eligible for SEMI reimbursement.

10. Policy 6360 – Political Contributions: Has been revised and updated to the most recent guidance provided by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and Political Contribution Disclosure (PCD) Forms. The revisions in this Policy Guide are consistent with the DCA’s most recent Local Finance Notice on Board of Education contracting issues.

11. Policy 6471 – School District Travel:

a. Required documentation for travel has been revised to remove “justification of the importance of these individuals attending the event” and “a copy of the agenda or itinerary for travel and subsequent schedule of events.”

b. Meal allowance has been revised regarding the school district’s requirements to acquire quotes for light meals and refreshments only “if required pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.”

12. Policy 6660 – Student Activity Fund:  The updated administrative code requires additional requirements in the implementation of a student activity account. The new code is very specific in the tasks that must be completed in administering student activity accounts.


Agenda of May 10, 2010


13. Policy 7434 – Smoking On School Grounds: The revised Policy Guide includes a new option regarding the filing of a complaint for persons who violate the Policy or law.

14. Policy 8461 – Reporting Violence, Vandalism, Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse: Revised to require the district report describing an incident regarding an act of violence or vandalism, possession or distribution of alcohol, drug use on school grounds, or a school employee’s report of a pupil suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs must be approved by the Board of Education.

15. Policy 9700 – Special Interest Groups: The Guide includes criteria and an approval process for such distribution. This Guide does not provide an option for literature distribution requested by private or for-profit organizations as we have found this to be prohibited as standard practice.

*Please Note Addendum on attached Policy 9700. Insert wording. Wording is as follows: “The Superintendent may request documentation of proof of non-profit status from appropriate State and/or Federal agency.”


Facilities & Transportation Committee:


24. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to enter into a Coordinated Transportation Agreement with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission for the 2010-2011 school year with an Administrative cost of 5.5%, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


25. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve an alternate method of compliance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:26-6.3(h) 4ii and 4iii by providing toilet rooms adjacent to or outside the classroom in lieu of individual toilet rooms in each classroom. Our school children shall be supervised in the following manner: These Preschool children are escorted to the bathroom by staff members at all times. The bathroom is located within 3 steps of the pre-school room, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


26. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the following as bona fide bids for the Port Colden School Secured Office addition, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


  1. DeSapio Construction, Inc. (Frenchtown, NJ)                              $348,800
  2. Charles Mann General Contracting, Inc. (Pittstown, NJ)                $346,423
  3. Oradell Construction Company, Inc. (Roseland, NJ)                    $329,000
  4. JR Prisco, Inc. (Summit, NJ)                                                      $441,998
  5. Coopersmith Brothers, Inc. (Phillipsburg, NJ)                              $315,000
  6. Lanyi & Tevald, Inc. (Rockaway, NJ)                                           $377,000
  7. Fourmen Construction, Inc. (Easton, PA)                                    $398,062


27. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to award the contract for the Port Colden School Secured Office addition to Coopersmith Brothers, Inc. (Phillipsburg, NJ) in the amount of $315,000 pending Department of Education approval, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


I.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)














Agenda for May 10, 2010


J.  EXECUTIVE SESSION  –  if required

28. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving ________________________________, the deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others.  If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.


            MV:                        Time:  ______________


Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to return to open session.


            MV:                         Time:  ______________




29. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjourn.


            MV:                         Time:  ______________




