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Monday, July 23, 2007 7:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m. – Personnel Committee – Graf, Christine, Smith
1. Call to order by President. Time: ___________
The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on
July 18, 2007 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.
2. Roll Call: Karen Graf, President Roger Jinks, Superintendent
Anita Smith, Vice President Juanita Dean, Secretary
Sally Christine Marjorie Levine, Principal
Sheila Dempski Keith Neuhs, Principal
Bruce Hazeltine
Heidi Noctor
Casimir Wyglendowski
- Flag Salute
4. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes of June 11 & 27, 2007, as presented. MV:
5. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the executive session minutes of June 27, 2007, as presented. MV:
(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)
6. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account
Reports for the month ending June 30, 2007, as presented. MV: (Revised Cafeteria Report)
7. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Secretary’s Report for June 30, 2007 showing a cash balance of $1,093,716.04. MV:
8. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Treasurer’s Report for June 30, 2007, showing a
cash balance of $1,093,716.04 and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for June 30, 2007. MV: (Revised Treasurer’s Report)
9. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to certify that no line item account has encumbrances
and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
10. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Bills List for June 30, 2007 and July, 2007, as recommended by the Superintendent. MV:
Agenda 7/23/07 Page 2
a. Enrollment Report
b. Calendar
- Kim Sigman awarded the “Project Wet Grant” – FYI
d. Denise Jordan and Donna Detrick applied for a grant for the Old School House –
given number – FYI
11. Motion by ______, seconded by ______to approve the following substitutes for the 2007-2008 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
Teacher – Tracey A. Diaz
Secretarial – Theresa Iacobucci
Custodial – Edna McNamire
Nurse – Jacqueline Dugan
12. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the out-of-district Staff Development Workshops, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV: (Revised – New Attachment)
13. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to employ Edna McNamire as summer custodial help – 30 hours per week x 9 weeks at $9.00 per hour, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
14. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to employ Pauline Albrecht, school psychologist, Step 15 MA + 30, 1 day per week at $14,609.00, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
15. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to increase Elaine Giaimo from .60 to .80 for the 2007-08 school year. .80 salary to be $56,208., as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
16. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following personnel for the 2007-08 Extended Year Summer Program – June 28 – August 9 (6 weeks), as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
Janine Barzdines – Nurse $110. per day
Laura Sullivan – Teacher $110. per day
Carol Kopie – Aide $12.31 per hour – 15 hours per week
Debbie Corrado – 3 hours per day x 3 days per week for 6 weeks – $12.31 per hour
Patricia Freeman – 3 hours per day x 3 days per week for 6 weeks – $12.31
17. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the request from Laura Dahmer for an extension of her maternity leave through the end of December 2007, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
18. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to accept the Annual Report of Violence and Vandalism dated
July 13, 2007, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
19. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the annual update of the Uniform State
Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 2007-2008 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
Agenda 7/23/07 Page 3
20. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to set the school lunch prices for 2007-2008 school year, as
recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
2006-2007 2007-2008
Regular lunch $2.25 $2.35
Extra Main 1.25 1.25
Milk .50 .50
Adult 3.15 3.15
Reduced .40 .40
- WCSBA – Planning Meeting 2007
- Port Colden School House Fund
Finance & Policy Committee:
21. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the line item transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
22. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to close the Book of Accounts for the 2006-2007 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
23. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adopt Policy Alert #178 (second reading) with the following changes, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
- Include “Option” on page 2 of 5 Policy #4440: “For regular school district business travel only, the Board authorizes an annual maximum per employee for regular business travel in the amount of $3000 for which Board approval is not required.”
b. Include “Option” on page 2 of 5 Policy #3440: “For regular school district business travel only, the Board authorizes an annual maximum per employee for regular business travel in the amount of $3000 for which Board approval is not required.”
Transportation and Facilities Committee:
Personnel Committee:
Agenda 7/23/07 Page 4
Public Hearing on Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Contract
24. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to set salary for Juanita Dean, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, at $94,275.00 for the 2007-2008 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV:
I. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business
(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)
1. Steve Sharkey – Comments – Giorlando v. Board of Education
J. EXECUTIVE SESSION – if required
25. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving
________________________________, the deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others. If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.
MV: Time: _____________
26. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to return to open session.
MV: Time: ______________
27. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjourn.
MV: Time: _______________