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Monday, December 13, 2010                                                                                                          7:30 p.m.              




            7:00 pm – Negotiations Committee:  Graf, Dempski, Smith




1.  Call to order by President.                     Time:  ___________


The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on April 30, 2010 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


2.  Flag Salute


3.  Roll Call:                               Karen Graf, President              

                                                Sally Christine, Vice President   

                                                Sheila Dempski                          

                                                Jason Ford                              

                                                Jayne Howard

                                                Jude Mohan

Anita Smith


4.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the minutes of November 8, 2010, as presented.  MV:


5.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the executive session minutes of November 8, 2010, as presented.  MV:



            a.  The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.




            Exxon-Mobil grant check presentation.




6.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria

Account Reports for the month ending November 30, 2010, as presented.  MV

7.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Secretary’s Report for November 30, 2010, showing a cash balance of $1,429,068.80. MV:


8.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Treasurer’s Report for November 30, 2010, showing a cash balance of $1,429,068.80, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for November 30, 2010.  MV:


Agenda for December 13, 2010


9.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV:




10. Motion by ______, seconded by ______to approve the following substitute for the 2010-2011 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV:


            Teacher:  Katie Smith


            Secretarial:  Dana Pellegrino-Heath

11. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the out-of-district In-Service Experiences, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: 


12. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve maternity and New Jersey Family Leave for Beth Pomeroy starting February 14, 2011 returning January 2, 2012, using sick days, disability insurance and New Jersey Family and Medical Leave, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV: 


13.  Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve New Jersey Family Leave for Ruth O’Cone starting October 18, 2010, through December 3, 2010, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


14. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the following field trip for the 2010-2011 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.


  1. Humanities Grades 2/3         Port Colden Walking Tour, November 23, 2010, 9:30-11:30am     


15. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve Jennifer Vasta, a student at Centenary College, to complete required four (4) hours of classroom observation at Brass Castle School with Nancy Mason, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


16. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve Kim M. Fojut M.A., BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst), as behavior analysis, at $100 per hour up to 5 hours per month, through Shared Services with Oxford, as recommended by the Superintendent.  (Kim Fojut replaces Mandy Leonard) RCV:


17. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to authorize students from Warren Tech to come to our district to do basic cleaning of our computers (cleaning includes:  wipe monitors, vacuum keyboards, towers and disinfect mice and keyboards. Advisor:  Mr. Metroke), as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


18. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to amend Change Order #1 from the amount of $1,641.00 to $1,250.50 for the Port Colden School Security Project noting credits and other small additions netting to the amended total, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


19. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adopt the following resolution, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:



WHEREAS the Interdistrict School Choice Program (N.J.S.A. 18A:36B-14-24) was signed into law by Governor Christie on September 10, 2010 and will commence with the 2011-12 school year, and



Agenda for December 13, 2010

WHEREAS the program is designed to increase educational opportunities for students and their families by providing students with the option of attending a public school outside their district of residence without cost to their parents, and

WHEREAS students will be able to choose to go to a school outside their district of residence if the selected school is participating in the choice program, and

WHEREAS the district of residence shall not prevent or discourage its students from participating in the Interdistrict School Choice Program,

WHEREAS pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36B-8a(1) and subject to approval of the Commissioner of Education, the board of education of the district of residence may limit the number of its district students allowed to participate in the choice program by adopting a resolution, to do the following:

  1. Restrict enrollment of its students in a choice district to a maximum of 10 percent of the number of students per grade level per year in the sending district and
  2. Restrict enrollment of its students in a choice districts to a maximum of 15 percent of the total number of students enrolled in the sending district. (N.J.S.A. 8a(2) and,

WHEREAS the calculation of enrollment of the district of residence must be based on the October ASSA and the method to be used in calculating enrollment is described in N.J.S.A. 18A:36B-8b (3), and  

WHEREAS in the event a district adopts any resolution restricting the enrollment of its students in choice districts and student requests for participation exceed the limits set by the district of residence, the district must conduct a lottery.

BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Washington Township Board of Education in the County of Warren, New Jersey adopts a 10% percent cap by grade and a 15% percent cap by sending district in the number of students that may opt to attend a district of choice,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent is authorized and directed to establish and conduct a lottery if the number of interested students exceeds this ten percent limit in any grade and fifteen percent limit by sending district.








  1.  District Newsletter – Volume 3, Issue 4;
  2.  Memo from Mrs. Mattes to Grade 5 Team; and
  3.  Water Quality Inspection.




Finance & Policy Committee:


20. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the line item transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: 



Agenda for December 13, 2010


21. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to approve the Bills List for December 2010.  RCV: 


22. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to enter into the Inter-local Service Agreement Between the Township of Washington and the Washington Township Board of Education for the Township to provide lawn mowing service to the Board of Education from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2012 at a cost of $3,000 per year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:




Facilities & Transportation Committee:


23. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ authorizing the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to solicit bids for student transportation services for school related activities for the 2010-2011 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:


J.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)





K.  EXECUTIVE SESSION  –  if required

24. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving ________________________________, the deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others.  If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.


            MV:                        Time:  ______________


Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to return to open session.


            MV:                         Time:  ______________




25. Motion by _____, seconded by _____ to adjourn.


            MV:                         Time:  _______________
