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Minutes of August 25, 2008.


The Washington Township Board of Education met on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 7:41 p.m. for their regular meeting.


The meeting was called to order by Karen Graf, President.  Mrs. Graf read the following statement:  The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on April 22, 2008 to The Express Times, and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


Members in attendance were Karen Graf, President, Anita Smith, Vice-President, Sally Christine, Sheila Dempski, Jason Ford, Jude Mohan, Heidi Noctor.  Roger Jinks, Superintendent, Jean Flynn, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and Valerie Mattes, Principal were present.


Board Members absent:  None


Flag Salute


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the minutes of July 21, 2008, as presented.  MV: Christine and Noctor abstained – all others voting yes – Motion carried



(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)






Motion by Heidi Noctor seconded by Jason Ford to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account Reports for the month ending July 31, 2008, as presented.  MV:  Unanimous – Motion carried

Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Sheila Dempski to approve the Secretary’s Report for July 31, 2008 showing a cash balance of $2,148,561.00. MV: Unanimous – Motion carried


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the Treasurer’s Report for July 31, 2008, showing a cash balance of $2,148,561.00, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for June 30, 2008.  MV: Unanimous – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to approve the Bills List for August, 2008.  MV:  Unanimous – Motion carried



Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve the out-of-district Staff Development Workshops, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.



Minutes of August 25, 2008


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve he following travel expenditure resolution, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV:  Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


WHEREAS,      The Washington Township Board of Education is required to pursuant to N.J.S.A.

                        18A:11-12 to adopt policy and approve travel expenditures by district employees

                        and board members using local, State, or Federal funds to ensure that travel is                               educationally necessary and fiscally prudent; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education has determined that the training and informational programs                         sponsored by Warren County School Boards Association and set forth below are                                directly related to and within the scope of board members’ duties; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education has determined that the training and informational programs                         sponsored by Warren County School Boards Association and set forth below are                                directly related to and within the scope of the listed job title’s current responsibilities                      and the board’s professional development plan; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education has determined that participation in the Warren County                               School Boards Association training and informational programs requires school                             district travel expenditures and that this travel is critical to the instructional needs of               the district and/or furthers the efficient operation of the district; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education has determined that the school district travel expenditures to                       Warren County School Boards Association programs are in compliance with State                         travel guidelines as established by the Department of the Treasury and within the                        guidelines established by the federal Office of Management and Budget; except as                      superseded by conflicting provisions of Titled 18A of the New Jersey Statues; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education finds that a mileage reimbursement rate of $.31 per mile is a                        reasonable rate; and


WHEREAS,      The board of education has determined that participation in the Warren County                               School Boards Association training and informational programs is in compliance with                     the district policy on travel; therefore be it


RESOLVED,     That the board of education hereby approves the attendance of the listed number of                         school board members and district employees at the listed Warren County School                     Boards Association training and informational programs, and the costs of attendance                including all registration fees, and statutorily authorized travel expenditures,                                     provided that such expenditures are within the annual maximum travel expenditure              amount; and, be it further


RESOLVED,     That the Washington Township Board of Education authorizes in advanced, as                                required by statue, attendance at the following Warren County School Boards                          Association training programs and information al events:


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the following substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                        Teacher –           Louellen Hofgesang

                                                            Whitney Nalepa

                                                            Lisa Woods

                                                            Kathy Henry


Minutes of August 25, 2008



                        Teacher Aide     –           Kathy Henry


                        Secretary          –           Kathy Henry


                        Cafeteria           –           Kathy Henry


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Sheila Dempski to approve the annual update of the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  (Board members received revisions to MOA in their January 14, 2008 board packet. Mr. Ford has received a copy in the current board packet.)  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Anita Smith to employ the following individual for summer maintenance and custodial work, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


            Brenda Hoppe                30 hours per week – 9 weeks

                                                June 26 to August 29, 2008

                                                $15.26 per  hour


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to employ Brenda Hoppe, part-time custodian, 10 months at $15.26 per hour, hours not to exceed 30 hours per week – 42 weeks, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to approve moving Karen Tompkins, paraprofessional, to Step 5-9, salary to be $12.90, hours not to exceed 30 hours per week, effective September 1, 2008, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve Joseph Tardanico, custodian, salary to be $10.50 per hour, 30.5 hours per week, 42 weeks, effective August 1, 2008, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason  Ford to apply to the County Superintendent of Schools to approve the following for emergent hiring for a period not to exceed three months, pending completion of a Criminal History Records check as per N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                                    Joseph Tardanico


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Anita Smith to employ Krista Ford, paraprofessional, salary to be $12.31 per hour, Step 1, hours not to exceed 30 hours per week, effective September 1, 2008, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Ford abstained – Christine, Dempski, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to accept the IDEIA Fiscal Year 2009 Grant award, as follows, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                        IDEIA Basic                   $174,218.

                        IDEIA Pre-School           $  11,227.

Minutes of August 25, 2008



Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Sheila Dempski to approve the following tuition rates for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                        Gr. Pre-K                      $  9,678.                       Gr. 6                 $10,138.

                        Gr. Kgn.                        $  9,678.                       Program            PSD     $18,640.

                        Grs. 1-5                        $11,091.                        Program            MD       $27,995.


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Anita Smith to accept the NCLB Fiscal Year 2009 Grant award, as follows, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                        Title I – Part A               $13,541.

                        Title II – Part A               $16,579.

                        Title 2 – Part D              $     111.

                        Title IV                          $  1,305.

                        Title V                           $         0.








1.  WCSBA – 2008-2009 Calendar;

2.  WCSBA – NJSBA Delegate Assembly;

3.  Letters from Robin Giorlando




Finance & Policy Committee: Policy Alert 181 – Policy Alert 182 September meeting 


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve the line item transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Jason Ford to enter into a contract with Sussex County Educational Services Commission to provide Chapter 192/193 Services to non-public school students for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Jason Ford to enter into a contract with Sussex County Educational Services Commission to provide Chapter 193 Examination and Classification Services for non-public school students for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Jason Ford to approve Lincoln Financial Group Tax Shelter Annuity Company replacing Dean Witter Trust Company effective September 1st, 2008 for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent. RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.





Minutes of August 25, 2008



Motion by Sheila Dempski, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the following Resolution/Waiver of Requirements, Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) Program, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


                Whereas,      NJAC 6A:23A-5.3 provides that a school district may request a waiver of                                        compliance with respect to the district’s participation in the Special                                               Education Medicaid Initiative  (SEMI) Program for  the 2008-09, and


                Whereas,       the Washington Twp Board of Education desires to apply for this waiver                                         due to the fact that it projects having fewer than 30 Medicaid eligible                                         classified students for the 2008-09 budget year.


                Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Washington Twp Board of Education hereby                                             authorizes the Chief School Administrator to submit to the Executive County                                  Superintendent of Schools in the County of Warren an appropriate waiver of                          the requirements of NJAC 6A23A-5.3 for the 2008-09 school year.


                                    Adopted:  August 25, 2008


Education Committee:


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to approve the school objectives (2 per school) for the 2008-2009 school year and school attainments (2 per school) for the 2007-2008 school year, for both Brass Castle and Port Colden Schools, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Transportation Committee:


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the attached bus routes for the 2008-09 school year.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the Joint Transportation Agreement with the Warren Hills Regional Board of Education for the 2008-2009 school year as listed, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


               Route                            Cost                         Route                             Cost

            23/KDG 1                      $11,736.69                    14AB/IM                        $18,725.14

            01/F                              $16,355.20                    15AB/G                         $13,463.16

            02/KL                            $13,999.07                    16AB/E                         $20,685.24

            03/A                             $14,605.37                    21/H                             $18,935.44

            04/C                             $19,059.22                    22/VAN 1                      $15,535.53

            10/J                              $15,184.65                    VAN 2/KDG                   $35,101.95

            12/D                             $17,091.88                    Total                            $230,478.54


Policy Alert #181


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the first reading of Policy Alert #181, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.




Minutes of August 25, 2008



Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the first reading of Policy & Regulation 5410 Promotion and Retention, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Personnel Committee:


Public Hearing on Superintendent’s Contract



Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Jude Mohan to rescind Roger Jinks’ January 1, 2007 – June 30, 2010 contract, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Jude Mohan to enter into an employment contract with Roger Jinks, Superintendent, from August 25, 2008 ending June 30 2013. Salary for 2008-2009 to be $145,520.00, as recommended by the Personnel Committee.  RCV: Christine, Dempski, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried.


PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION – old and/or new business

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)






Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to adjourn.


            MV:  Unanimous – Motion carried            Time:  9:05 p.m.          


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:




                                                                                    Jean Flynn

                                                                                    Business Administrator/Board Secretary
