Board of Education Meeting
Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 7:00pm
Brass Castle Media Center

Asthma Information

New Jersey State law allows students to carry and use medication for asthma or other potentially life threatening illness, i.e. severe allergy to bees. Written permission from a parent/guardian and the child’s physician is required yearly, stating that he/she is capable of taking this medication unsupervised, and has been taught how and when to properly use it. Special permission forms are available in the Health Office.

All medications, including those for self-medicating, must be kept in their original pharmacy labeled containers with students’ name, medication name and its dosage and frequency.

Each time medication is self-administered, the School Nurse is to be notified. Therefore, students taking inhalers before gym or at regular intervals should report to the Health Office to use the medication as in the past. The purpose of this legislation is to allow students to self-administer their medications in school at the beginning of an asthma episode or as soon as possible after a bee sting to prevent a life-threatening situation.

The School District and its employees or agents are not responsible for any injury and shall incur no liability or claims arising from self-medication by a designated person. Parents can choose not to allow their child to self-medicate if they have concerns.

If you have any questions or concerns please call the Health Office at Brass Castle School at 689-1188 ext 3607 or the Health Office at Port Colden School at 689-0681 ext 2507.


Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying (HIB)

Beginning with the September 2011-2012 school year, our district has conscientiously implemented the requirements in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. For additional information please click the Read More button.

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