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Reorganization Meeting


MINUTES OF April 21, 2008


The Washington Township Board of Education met on Monday, April 21, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. for their regular and annual reorganization meeting.


Swearing in of new Board Members – Jason Ford and Jude Mohan


The meeting was called to order by Juanita Dean, Board Secretary.  Mrs. Dean read the following statement:  The New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon.  In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Washington Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be mailed on February 13, 2008 to The Express Times and to the Clerk of Washington Township.


Flag Salute


Members in attendance were Karen Graf, Anita Smith, Sally Christine, Jason Ford, Jude Mohan, Heidi Noctor.  Roger Jinks, Superintendent Marjorie Levine and Valerie Mattes, Principals, and Juanita Dean, Business Administrator/Board Secretary were present.


Board Members absent:  Sheila Dempski

Flag Salute


Results of the Election held on April 15, 2008 were as follows:


                        Jude Mohan      –           241                               Robert Finke     –           177

                        Jason Ford       –           308                  

            Vote for General Fund:

                        Yes      –       280                                  No        –          200


Board Secretary requests nominations for President.


            Sally Christine nominated Karen Graf for President.  There were no other nominations.


            Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to elect Karen Graf as President.  RCV:

            Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


            Meeting turned over to Board President.


            Nominations were opened for Vice-President.


Heidi Noctor nominated Anita Smith for Vice-President.  There were no other nominations.


            Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jude Mohan to elect Anita Smith as Vice-President. 

            RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried







Minutes of April 21, 2008



(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)





            Procedures regarding over expenditure of funds as required by N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.12. –             attached.

            Review of N.J. School Board Member Code of Ethics


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the minutes of March 19, 2008 and April 7, 2008, as presented.  MV: Mohan and Ford abstained –  All others voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the executive session minutes of March 19, 2008 and April 7, 2008, as presented.  MV: Mohan and Ford abstained –  All others voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to approve the Student Activity, Petty Cash, and Cafeteria Account Reports for the month ending March 31, 2008, as presented.  MV: Unanimous – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to approve the Secretary’s Report for March 31, 2008 showing a cash balance of $2,838,546.17. MV: Unanimous – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve the Treasurer’s Report for March 31, 2008, showing a cash balance of $2,838,546.17, and note that the report is in agreement with the Secretary’s Report for March 31, 2008.  MV: Unanimous – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to certify that no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11 (a) and no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b).  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to approve the Bills List for April 2008.  MV: Unanimous – Motion carried




            a.         Enrollment Report  


b.         Paraprofessionals


  1. Calendar


d.         Small School, Big Thinkers


e.         WTSD Parent Survey


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to employ Mrs. Jean Flynn as Business Administrator/Board Secretary effective July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.  Salary to be $81,200.  Benefits and working conditions as per the Employment Contract between the Washington Township Board of Education and Mrs. Jean Flynn, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried



Minutes of April 21, 2008



Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to appoint Juanita Dean as Assistant to Business Administrator/Board Secretary from July 1, 2008 through August 31, 2008, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the following substitutes for the 2007-2008 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


                        Teacher:           Caitlin Servilio, Suzanne Brands


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Jason Ford, to approve the out-of-district In-Service Experiences, as recommended by the Superintendent.   RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to approve the revised 2007-2008 district calendar, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve the pilot of Big Brothers/Big Sisters for the 2008-2009 school year, cost for program not to exceed $6,000., as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried



            (First  Reading)


            Guidance Counselor

            Technology Coordinator or Technology Director

            Business Administrator/Board Secretary

            Administrative Assistant to Board Secretary








  1. Committee Preferences;
  2. Letter from Kirk, Summa & Co., LLP, Accounts;
  3. Procedures regarding over expenditure of funds;
  4. Code of Ethics for School Board Members;
  5. Assembly Bill, No. 1755;
  6. NJSBA, Open Public Meetings Act and Technology;
  7. NJSBA, Tips for Surviving Your First Year on the Board;
  8. Colden Castle News – April 2008





Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to appoint Linda Jenikovsky as acting Board Secretary in the absence of the Board Secretary for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the bid threshold at $21,000. and quote threshold at $3,150. as per 18A:18A-3, amended, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Minutes of April 21, 2008



Board acknowledges receipt, review and evaluation of external peer/quality report of Ardito & Co., LLP – Mr. Douglas Williams, Auditor of Record.


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to designate Ardito & Company, LLP, Stroudsburg, PA, as auditing firm for the 2008-2009 school year and Douglas Williams, Auditor of Record.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to appoint the firm of Lindabury, McCormick & Esterbrook to provide legal counsel to the Board for the 2008-2009 school year, and Anthony Sciarrillo, Attorney of Record, fee to be $160. per hour, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to appoint Nathanya Simon to provide legal counsel to the Board for Special Education issues for the 2008-2009 school year, fee to be $170. per hour, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to appoint Gianforcaro, Architects and

Engineers/Planners, as the districts Architect of Record for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to appoint Dorothy Van Burik as Treasurer of School Monies for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to appoint Charles Evans, III as school physician for the 2008-2009 school year and Warren Hills Health Center for emergent services.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to appoint, Valerie Mattes, Principal, as Affirmative Action Officer, Title 9 Compliance Officer, and Section 504 Compliance Officer for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to appoint Jean Flynn, Business Administrator/Board Secretary as Title 9 Compliance Officer for contracts for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to appoint Valerie Mattes as Attendance Officer for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to appoint Marjorie Levine as liaison for Homeless Children for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to appoint Jean Flynn, Business Administrator/Board Secretary as Custodian of School Records.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to authorize the President and Vice-President as two officers authorized to sign checks and other corporate obligations of the Board.  Board President signature stamp to be used in accordance with Board Policy.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried



Minutes of April 21, 2008



Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to establish a Petty Cash Fund in the amount of $250.00 for the 2008-2009 school year and that checks for the Petty Cash Account, reimbursed by the Board, and checks for the school Student Activity, Cafeteria Account, Port Colden School House fund, Child Care Account, and JUCITF (SUI) Account be signed by the Superintendent and Board Secretary or the Acting Board Secretary in the absence of the Board Secretary.  Interest earned on Student Activity Account to be distributed proportionately to individual accounts. Superintendent signature stamp to be used in accordance with Board Policy.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford that checks for the regular checking account be signed by the President or alternate, the Treasurer, and the Board Secretary.  Board President and Treasurer signature stamp to be used in accordance with Board Policy.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith that checks for the payroll and agency accounts be signed by the Treasurer of School Monies or Board President or Vice-President in the absence of the President.  Board President and Treasurer signature stamp to be used in accordance with Board Policy.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine that Skylands Bank and PNC Bank be used as depository of school funds.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan that the Board Secretary be authorized to invest school funds at the best interest rates available in any bank approved as a depository for public funds.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to appoint Brown & Brown, as Insurance Agent of Record.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to designate The Express Times and/or The Star Ledger as official newspapers for notices pertaining to Board meetings and legal advertising.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the following Tax Shelter Annuity Companies for the 2008-2009 school year.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


            Oppenheimer Shareholder Services                   Financial Resources

            Lincoln Investment Planning                              Legend Group

            Dean Witter Trust Company


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to empower the Superintendent and Board Secretary to implement the budget pursuant to policies and regulations of the State Board and Washington Township Board of Education.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to authorize the Board Secretary to pay bills

prior to Board approval in the event of a board meeting held after the 15th of the month or to secure a

discount if paid within a certain time period, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to designate the Superintendent to approve budget line item transfers between Board Meetings to be ratified by the Board at their next regular meeting as per NJSA 18A:22-8.1.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried

Minutes of April 21, 2008



Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve purchases using the State Purchasing

Contracts for the 2008-2009 school year as follows and any other vendor with a State Purchasing

Contract.   RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


            School Specialties        Cascade School Supplies          Atlantic Business Products       

            Dell Computer               Stewart Industries                                            


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to hold regular Board Meetings the 2nd Monday of the month unless otherwise stated.  Meetings to begin at 7:30 p.m. and to be held in the Brass Castle School.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to adopt the following calendar of meetings for the 2008-2009 school year for the Washington Township Board of Education:  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried



                                                May                  12

                                                June                 30                             

                                                July                  21        (3rd Monday)        

                                                August             25         (4th Monday) – Public Hearing on

                                                                                                Violence & Vandalism Report

                                                September        15         (3rd Monday)  

                                                October                        20         (3rd Monday) – Public Hearing of Nurses

                                                                                                            Service Plan

                                                November         10        Public Hearing on 2008 Audit                 

                                                December           8

                                                January                        12

                                                February             9

                                                March                 9

                                                April                 20         (3rd Monday) – Regular & Re-organization


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to establish the agenda for the 2008-2009 school year as follows:

Call meeting to order, Minutes, Public Input (agenda items), Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Status of Accounts Report, Funds, Bills List, Superintendent’s Report, Update – Progress of Goals and Objectives, Correspondence, Committee Reports – Facilities & Transportation – Education – Personnel – Finance & Policy, Public Input (old and/or new business), Executive Session (when necessary), Open Session, Adjournment.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to:

            Confirm existing policies of the Board.

            Confirm that the 25th of the month be the cutoff date for receiving bills,

            Confirm that substitute teachers and other substitute staff be paid on the first payday of the

            month unless they are working on a continuous long term basis,

            RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the adoption of the 2008-2009 curricula, services, programs, textbooks, novels, series, and  instructional materials that support these curricula and programs.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Board President appointed Anita Smith and Sally Christine, alternate, as Delegate to the New Jersey School Boards Association.


Minutes of April 21, 2008



Board President appointed Sally Christine and Karen Graf, alternate, to the Warren County School

Boards Association.


Board President appointed Heidi Noctor as Legislative delegate.


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the Washington Township Pest Management Plan prepared in March 2004 and revised November 2007, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to approve the Washington Township Board of Education Crisis Management Plan, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Sally Christine, seconded by Jude Mohan to set the substitute rates for the 2008-2009 school year as listed, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


            Teachers – $ 80.00 – Daily Rate

                             $ 90.00 – After five (5) consecutive days in the same classroom

                                            (daily rate plus $10.00) (beginning on the sixth (6th) day).

                             $100.00 – After fifteen (15) consecutive days in the same classroom

                                             (daily rate plus $20.00( (beginning on the sixteenth (16th) day).

–        After twenty (20) consecutive days in the same classroom, the daily

      Rate will be 1/200 of Step 1 of the current Bachelor’s Salary Guide.


            Clerical   –   $9.50 per hour

            Aides      –   $9.50 per hour

            Cafeteria –  $9.50  per hour

            Custodian – $10.50 per hour


Motion by Jude Mohan, seconded by Heidi Noctor to approve the contract with SCESC to provide Supplementary Instruction and Child Study Team services for eligible students attending the Good Shepherd Christian Academy for the 2007-2008 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jason Ford to approve the contract with Children’s Therapy Services, Inc., to provide physical therapy at the rate of $97.37 per hour session for the 2008-2009 school year, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Jason Ford, seconded by Anita Smith to approve the attached transfers, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine to participate with the Washington Township Committee in the NJDOT Program for safe routes to schools, as recommended by the Superintendent.  RCV: Christine, Ford, Mohan, Noctor, Smith, Graf – All voting yes – Motion carried


PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION: (old and/or new business)   

(The public may speak for three (3) minutes unless they have requested to be on the agenda.)







Minutes of April 21, 2008




Motion by Anita Smith, seconded by Sally Christine, Whereas, the Board must consider matters involving Superintendent Evaluation, deliberation of such matters may be held in private under the Open Public Meeting Act, NJSA 10:4-6, the Board will adjourn to executive session to discuss the above mentioned matters, to the exclusion of all others.  If an action results, it will be taken following re-entry into regular session.


                                    Time:  8:30 pm


Member of audience asked about class sizes for next year and asked if teachers will be moved to other placements.                                            

                                                                        MV: Unanimous – motion carried


Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Sally Christine to return to open session.


                                    Time:  8:50 pm             MV:  Unanimous – motion carried


Roger informed the board he spoke with the Borough Superintendent – heard that Borough and Township Police will be merging.  Would there be support to merge school districts?  Board’s sense is no.  Do “soft” research. 


Update on 3 Front Street property:  price will drop periodically in $5,000. increments.




Motion by Heidi Noctor, seconded by Jude Mohan to adjourn.


Time:  9:20 p.m.   MV:  Unanimous – Motion carried


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:




                                                                                    Juanita Dean

                                                                                    Business Administrator/Board Secretary

